The Museum Shop, housed in the Museum, offers visitors a space where they can buy and consult specialised and educational books dedicated to the contents narrated in the Museum. Some gadgets are also on sale.
Museum guides for adults and children, in Italian and English, are available free of charge.
Studi sul LavagnoneStudi sul Lavagnone (NAB, 10, 2002)
The book, edited by R.C. de Marinis, presents the results of the research carried out by the University of Milan in sector B of the excavations at the Lavagnone pile-dwelling site.
Price: 18 €
Available (only Italian)
Proceedings of the conference 2008 I musei per l'archeologia lombarda: progetti, ricerche e collaborazioni scientifiche (Proceedings of the conference, Desenzano del Garda, 19 aprile 2007, Quaderni della Rete, 1, 2008)
The volume, edited by C. Mangani and M. Volonté, illustrates the scientific activities carried out by the museums of the Ma_net Network in collaboration with other organisations: Universities, Superintendencies....
Price: 10 €
Available (only Italian)
Archeologia della Lombardia orientale
Archeologia nella Lombardia orientale. I musei della rete Ma net e il loro territorio (2012)
The guide, edited by Ma-net Network, traces the history of man and his presence in eastern Lombardy from prehistoric times to the early Middle Ages, through the evidence present in the territory and the materials preserved in the Museums of the Network.
;Price: 20 €
Available (only Italian)
Back to the roots - Alle radici del ciboBack to the roots - Alle radici del cibo (exhibition catalogue, 2016)
Catalogue, edited by M. Baioni and C. Mangani, of the exhibition held on the occasion of EXPO 2015 in the Museums of Desenzano, Gavardo, Manerba del Garda and Cavriana.
Price: 20 €
Available (extensive English summaries)
Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps - GuideGuide to Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps (2018)
Volume of the series "Italy's treasures and UNESCO" dedicated to the Italian part of the WHL site "Prehistoric pile dwelling around the Alps".
Price: special museum price 5 €
Available (English)
Volumes for consultation only
In the museum you can consult the volumes of the series "Palafitte | Palafittes | Pfahlbauten | Pile dwellings" dedicated to pile dwellings and wetlands in general. If you would like to purchase a copy, you can order it directly from the publisher by clicking on the volume image.
Series pile dwellings-ProceedingsLe palafitte: ricerca, conservazione, valorizzazione (Proceedings of the conference, Desenzano del Garda, 6-8 ottobre 2011, SAP, 0, 2018)
Edited by M. Baioni, C. Mangani, M.G. Ruggiero
The international conference "Le palafitte: ricerca, conservazione, valorizzazione" (Pile dwellings: research, conservation, enhancement), promoted by the Museum "G. Rambotti", the Archaeological Museum of Valle Sabbia and the Municipality of Polpenazze del Garda, offered the opportunity to deal with the theme of pile dwellings, contexts of extraordinary importance for archaeological research, especially for the quantity and quality of the organic materials brought to light.
Extensive English summaries
Series pile dwellings-LavagnoneIl complesso del Lavagnone 3 - Scavi dell'Università degli Studi di Milano (1989-2006) (SAP, 2.1, 2020)
Edited by M. Rapi
This volume opens Series 2 of the "Pile dwellings" series, dedicated to the publication of studies and updates on the research carried out by the University of Milan at Lavagnone (Desenzano del Garda - Lonato, Brescia). The volume is dedicated to the Early Bronze Age materials belonging to the so-called Lavagnone 3 horizon, related to a pile dwelling with plinth foundations, identified and described by Renato Perini (1981, 1988). This complex, previously known on the basis of a limited number of published finds, has been increased through the excavations of the University of Milan and it is now possible to present it in more detail and propose its attribution to the Early Bronze I B (Bronzezeit A 2-a).
Downloadable resources
From this page you can download free content related to the activities of the Museum.
The annual report of the ICG Palafittes
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PalafitteNews 2022
UNESCO PALAFITTE ITALIA PDG ENGManagement Plan of the UNESCO site "Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps", Italian part
The volume provides a summary of the complex set of studies, evaluations and analyses that
were the basis for the elaboration of the national part of the first Management Plan: from geomorphological, paleoenvironmental and dendrochronological studies to the promotion and enhancement activities implemented. The process of the inscription of the site in 2011 in the UNESCO World Heritage List is also traced, up to the actions planned in the 2019-2023 Management Plan.