Lavagnone (© M. Mura)The Museum is also present at the Lavagnone!

The Museum of Desenzano organises, on request for groups and school parties and against payment, nature trails in the Lavagnone basin with in-depth studies of the aspects connected with the pile-dwelling settlement. During the summer excavations, the Museum and the University offer site visits on certain days.

At other times it is still possible to reach the basin to discover the environment in which the pile-dwelling settlements were located. Remember that the excavations are on private property!

Lavagnone is easily reached from the Desenzano motorway exit and from the city centre by following the signs for Centenaro.

It is also possible to reach Lavagnone by bicycle following the Montichiari - Sirmione cycle path with a diversion towards Centenaro.

The site is indicated by signs; a WHL plaque and an information point with panels on the history of Lavagnone have been placed near the pile-dwelling village since 2019. Here you can also download further information on the WHL site "Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps" via QR code.

La targa UNESCO

The Museum of Desenzano organises, on request for groups and school parties and against payment, nature trails in the Lavagnone basin with in-depth studies of the aspects connected with the pile-dwelling settlement. During the summer excavations, the Museum and the University offer site visits on certain days.

At other times it is still possible to reach the basin to discover the environment in which the pile-dwelling settlements were located. Remember that the excavations are on private property!

Lavagnone is easily reached from the Desenzano motorway exit and from the city centre by following the signs for Centenaro.

It is also possible to reach Lavagnone by bicycle following the Montichiari - Sirmione cycle path with a diversion towards Centenaro.

The site is indicated by signs; a WHL plaque and an information point with panels on the history of Lavagnone have been placed near the pile-dwelling village since 2019. Here you can also download further information on the WHL site "Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps" via QR code.

 download extra contents (pdf)

La copertura al Lavagnone


Since 2023, thanks to the agreement with the Lombardy Region for the enhancement of the Lombardy component of the UNESCO site 'Prehistoric Pile Dwelling aroundthe Alps', the excavation area owned by the municipality of Desenzano del Garda has been equipped with a covering and information panels.

This will allow better use by visitors when visiting the excavations and will protect the archaeological deposit from atmospheric events.