A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public... (ICOM)


Service Quality Charter

The Service Charter responds to the need to establish principles and rules in the relationship between the administrations that provide services and the citizens who use them.

It constitutes a real “pact” with users, a communication and information tool that allows them to know the services offered, the methods and standards promised, to verify that the commitments undertaken are respected, to express their evaluations also through forms of complaint.

Download the Service Quality Charter (Italian)

Museum Rules

It is an essential element for the birth and life of a museum, as it constitutes an assumption of responsibility on the part of the responsible administrations, a tool for identifying the identity, positioning and mission of the museum, defining its organisation, guiding its activities, constituting a point of reference for the public and more generally for the community (in compliance with transparency and as a prerequisite for any form of accountability).

Download the Museum Rules (Italian)


The Elimination of Architectural Barriers Plan is a tool identified by Italian law to monitor, design and plan interventions aimed at achieving an optimal threshold of usability of buildings for all citizens.

Thanks to the Ministry of Culture's Call for Proposals (PNRR - Mission 1 - Digitisation, Innovation, Competitiveness and Culture - Measure 1 'Cultural Heritage for the Next Generation' - Component 3 - Culture 4.0 (M1C3-3) - Investment 1.2 'Removing physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives to enable wider access to and participation in culture' funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU) and in cooperation with CRABA (LEDHA Regional Centre for Accessibility and LEDHA (League for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) in 2023, the specific PEBA for the Museum was drawn up.

Download PEBA (Italian)


Visitor Evaluation Form

Dear Visitor,
We would be grateful if you would take a few minutes to answer this form, which is intended to measure the degree of satisfaction of our visitors.
Your opinion will be useful to improve the quality of your visit and the services offered.

Go to the Visitor Evaluation Form